

| Introduction | The Court | Religion | Town Life | Country Life | The Arts | Resources | Standards | Rubric |

With your eye on the big picture you will become embroiled in the debate that will
encompass not only religious questions but also political ones.

Japan- Buddhist Priest, Christian Priest

Europe- Pope, Monk 
Group Tasks   The Team Manager, Research Manager, Production Manager and Archive
Manager roles are defined on the Group Tasks page. 
Assessment Questions   1.  What were the expectations and duties of each class in Japanese and European
1.  societies? How did people in society treat you? Which members of society would
1.  have been your peers/above/below? Describe your profession.

2.  Why was the proximity to China and Korea important to the intellectual, linguistic,
1.  religious and philosophical developments in Japan?

3.  What new tools/technologies were introduced in the middle ages? How would
1.  you make each new tool? What did each new tool add to your life? What did each
1.  new tool take away from your life?

4.  How was your home built? Which materials were used to build your house? Why
1.  were these materials used?

5.  How did the Geography of Europe (location, topography, waterways, vegetation,
1.  climate) affect the ways of life in Medieval Europe?

6.  Which medieval English legal documents led to modern democratic thought and
1.  representative institutions?

7.  How did the distinctive forms of Japanese Buddhism develop? How did
1.  Christianity cross the Alps?

8.  Can Japanese Buddhism and European Christian Church be considered as
1.  political, intellectual, aesthetic as well as religious institutions?
Action Plan   1.  How do you define your roles?

2.  What will your plan of action be for your project?

3.  What are each manager's responsibilities?

4.  What are your time restrictions?

5.  Design a work calendar.

6.  Where are you going to find your materials?

7.  What is your final product?

Religion-SOCIETY- Europe - What was it really like to live in the Middle Ages? This excellent site Annenberg/CPBExhibits discusses the different aspects of European feudal society. Feudal life, religion, homes, clothing, health, arts and entertainment, and town life are featured.

Religion- MEDIEVAL CULTURE- Europe
- This site focuses on Medieval and Renaissance Culture. This site is comprehensive. It has an extensive list of connections and a compelling section on philosophy.

Religion- MEDIEVAL SOCIETY- Europe
- As always, the experts at searchopolis have done a great job compiling a list of useful sites. This page includes the following topics: Everyday life, art, architecture and religion, people, places and events, wars and conflicts, explorers and conquerors, government and rulers, general topics and overviews and the plague.

Religion-BUDDHISM & BAKUFU-Japan - This is an excellent site which features information on Feudal Japan. Medieval Japanese Buddhism and thedevelopment of Bakufu or military government.

- Major sects of Buddhism are found at this site. The information can be easily accessed because clear topic labels. There is information on the Nara, Heian and Kamakura Periods.

| Introduction | The Court | Religion | Town Life | Country Life | The Arts | Resources | Standards | Rubric |